Scotland Arise!

Scotland Arise!  by Paul Anderson Nov 2017

Land is land and oil is oil
It should belong to those who toil
Scotland arise!

Fair is foul and  foul is fair.
Britiannia is without a care
The empire lost , so sick ,so lame.
in their sights the poor they blame.


Theresa May says that we are one
this sinking ship has long begun
to drown the old ,the ill .the young.
and whip in shape the bottom rung


Freedom must reverse this boat
Put in place a second vote.
To take us to a higher place
Honoured by the human race.


Scotland arise! Scotland arise!
Scotland arise!

The Tories ,Libdems thugs together
New Labour too , wi spin and blether.
and we need Scotland
not just heather.

Scotland Arise!

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